Disneyworld in Brownsville?
Of all the ridiculous ideas of ideas, this one must top the cake? Right? Not! But before you go close this page and go off to another website, think about this. What better place to put a Disneyworld than right smack in the center of the US and bordering Mexico? If you think about it closely, you will see the benifits of having such a venue in our city that not only benifits Brownsville, but also Disney.
How could this be? There is already a Disneyworld in the east (Florida), on in the west (California) and one in Japan. Why would Disney need to build one in south texas? Lets look at the demographics for a moment.
The Downside
Brownsville and the RGV IS the lowest per capita wage earner, the city is located right smack at the bottom of the US, and the RGV lacks in transportation, such as an Interstate to handle traffic volume, and there is not enough hotels to handle the volume of people that would come.
The Upside
Mexico, Central America, South America, Canada, and the Central US. By locating a Disneyworld in Brownsville, not only would it attract visitors form the center of the US, but from the areas mentioned above. Brownsville would be almost in the center if you take Canada and Mexico and average it out. Disney would then be attracting more visitors to Disney-Brownsville than it normally would. How many of us would consider going to Disney in California or Florida. Most of us wouldn't because of the cost of travel and distance. By placing a Disney in Brownsville, you then attract visitors form the interior of Mexico (Monterrey, Cd. Victoria, San Louis Poto Si, and Mexico DF to mention a few) and from Texas and all the states north of Texas to even Canda (Winter Texans for sure).
Mexico, contrary to many beliefs, does have many wealthy families that buy condos, apartments and houses on South Padre Island, Brownsville, Harlingen, and McAllen. And these are not cheap homes. We're talking about half million to $1M homes!! A large percentage of condos bought at SPI are from Mexico! Then add all of the cities north of B'ville (San Antonio, Corpus Christi, Austin, Houston and Dallas) and then the picture begins to clear. It's not a very long distance from either Dallas of Mexico (a new highway was built between San Louis Poto Si to Cd. Victoria cutting down a large amount of travel) to brownsville. Dallas to B'ville is roughly 8 hours and Mexico DF to B'ville is also about 8-9 hours. Not really far if you consider going to California or Florida, either of which would take days to drive or be an expensive airplane drive.
Move over Six Flags and Fiesta Texas. Nothing would compete with Disney. I believe that Disney would find more willing visitors to its theme park than anywhere else. What about the other downsides mentioned above. Transporation: If a Disney were to come to Brownsville, I-69 would certainly be funded and built to come down to our area, along with the Trans Texas Corridor (TTC-35, more on this at TxDot: http://www.keeptexasmoving.com/), the West Loop and East Loop Phase II would be expidited as well as the Rail Road Relocation Project. So transportation would not be a problem with five year or less for some of the projects. I-69 and TTC-35 would be slower in coming but would happen in the future. Hotels? Believe me, as soon as Disney decided to build here, you would have hotels standing in line to build next to it (where to build is my next issue further down). Low wages, well, that's going to be for a while longer until larger Fortune 500 companies move in, but a Disney would definately help B'ville's image and maybe attract these companies. Disney would create a ripple effect not just in B'ville, but the RGV as a whole.
Where to Built Disney
I truely believe that if Disney ever decided to come down here, they sould build it right along the border where the previous Amigoland Mall used to be (it's now called the ITECC and owned by UTB/TSC). Why there? Cuz you want Disney to not only have American influence but also Mexican influence since the majority would come from Mexico. There is a lot of land in that area and maybe even have it in two parts, literally. One part on the US side while the other part in Matamoros, right across the US conterpart! Each one with it's unique themes. Not only would this be a huge attratcion to many foreign visitors, but also help in creating a beautiful view of the Rio Grande River and the view of the two cities. It would defiantely be a unique feature in the WORLD! Talk about attracting visitors. Disney would have akilling here.
Well, that's my day dream and maybe a fantasy but believe it or not, Brownsville's previous Mayor Pat Ahumada (1990-91?) proposed to bring Disney to B'ville. HE even contacted Disney but then he wasn't reelected and probably other factors developed and the project just never got going.
So I don't think this idea is silly, but should be looked at seriously if B'ville wants to compete in the world market and bring some good venues for people of all over the world to enjoy and remember B'ville. Orlando, anyone? Before Disney, knowone new Orlando.