Tuesday, June 22, 2010

More Sidewalks Needed

Last year I owned a shuttle company in town ferrying clients from airports, hotels, etc. Many of my clinets would complain about the lack of sidewalks along the Frontage roads (access roads). Just getting to a restaurant or convenience store took courage to brave the traffic alongside you. Last week, I witnessed to gentlemen in their suits walking along the grass on Frontage Rd to some unknown destination. I finally decided to write about this situation.
When the Expressway 77/83 Frontage roads and FM 802 were widened, I really thought (stupid of me) that, FINALLY, sidewalks would be installed. I had grown tired of watching people walking on the uneven grass or even worse, on the road, to get to some destiation. THen, to my dissappiontment, no sidewalks were built!? Why? If Brownsville wants to change its image, it begins with simple things like being able to get around town without a car. A sidewalk may not be the greatest image of a city but, man, when you need one, you really appreciate it a lot.
I thought that TxDot and the city of Brownsville was becoming more proactive in building sidewalks. After the construction of the Linear Park and hike/bike trail along the old RR lines, I was sure that more sidewalks would be built. Ha, what a joke. Com'on Brownsville and TxDot, you can do better.
Here is a list of some roads that I think need sidewalks, though I'm sure that every street in Brownsville needs one but for sure these (if you can think of any other streets in dire need of sidewalks, please comment on it):
1. Frontage Rds (all within city limits!)
2. FM 802
3. Pablo Kisel
4. Jose Marti (BCC)
5. Boca Chica Blvd
6. Sam Pearl Blvd between Levee St and the B&M Int'l Bridge (ASAP!!!), Comm. Camarillo, I did bring this up to you several times!
7. Central Blvd
8. Sports Park entrance road
9. Old HW 77
10. Price Rd.
To name of few.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are so right! keep after them!

5:31 AM  

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