Friday, June 23, 2006

Building a Tower Next to the Rio Grande River

The San Antonio Tower of the Americas at 750 ft tall.

What Brownsville needs in order to attract more tourists is a tower similar to the one in San Antonio. A similar tower would definitely put Brownsville on the map! Here's my idea as to where to build such a tower and what amenities to provide.

As for the location of an observation tower is a no brainer. Build it right on Sam Pearl Blvd between the Gateway and B&M Int'l bridges where it would be visible for miles towards Mexico and the US. I envision a tower that is at least 1,000 ft tall (taller than the SA tower at 750 and even bigger than the Reunion Tower in Dallas at 560 ft or even the Space Needle in Seattle at 605 ft), which would make it the tallest in Texas and maybe in the nation (can't verify the nation part)! I know for a fact that even at 14 stories (Villa del Sol) on a clear and sunny day you can just make out the SPI skyline and maybe even a glimpse of the Gulf of Mexico. Now multiply that view by almost 72 times to 1,000 ft and you will have a view of not just the surrounding areas of Brownsville, Matamoros, and SPI but deep into Mexico, the Gulf of Mexico, Boca Chica Beach with a glimpse of the Rio Grande ending at the gulf, and the US; maybe even seeing Harlingen with a telescope! What a view that would be! The location of the tower would place it at a near perfect view for people coming from Mexico along the highway to Victoria and Reynosa from nearly 30 miles away. People would be fascinated by a building that could be seen from miles away just as I was when going to Chicago and seeing the Sears Tower jut above the skyline even at 30 miles away. It was very impressive and awe inspiring as I got close to Chicago. If Brownsville really wants to be a tourist attraction, then it needs to build a tower that can have a view like no other place in the US. I would imagine people from all over the US wanting to take a peak into Mexico without actually going over there. The tower would definitely help spur development along the Rio Grande River and the downtown area. Hotels would be built in and around the tower. Restaurants and shops would follow with hundreds of tourists a day packing in to see the historic downtown along with a view to behold from atop. Historical building owners would then find interest in restoring their facades beatifying the downtown with its architecture and culture found nowhere else along the US/Mexico border.

Along with the view there would have to be a restaurant at top just like all other towers. But to attract more people to the tower, a convention center or events center of sorts that can hold at least 1,000 people would make it a draw to not just tourists but to events such as weddings, meetings, forums, etc. This is my version of how such a tower would look like. At the top of the tower, the convention/events center would be located to take advantage of a large skylight that could be built on the roof. The skylight would be able to open up and people could enjoy the day or evening breeze and also a skywalk could be built on the outside of the events center. Below the events center would be the restaurant that would rotate 360 degrees every hour just like most towers do. Below the restaurant would then be the observation tower for the general public. The tower would have to be built to withstand hurricane winds of up to 170 mph to ensure the safety of those around the tower. Also, the tower would have to have high speed elevators to reach the top in no time. At the bottom of the tower would be a circular parking lot with a nice land space with palm trees and native plants. On the outside of the tower between the convention center/events floor and the restaurant would be a TV style display that would be about 1 ½ to 2 stories tall along the circumference of the tower to display the latest events and such. Something similar to what you find in NY and Las Vegas with these huge signs on buildings. It would be visible at night for miles away. It would the the icon of Brownsville just as the El Jardin Hotel was when it was built in the 1930s.

Brownsville needs to think big if it were to one day match or beat McAllen’s economy. Visions such as mine are far fetched but not beyond reality. Brownsville needs to attract more tourism and help diversify its economy if it wants to succeed in the 21st century. A tower such as the one I envision would spark a building and retail boom for years to come and put it on the map not just nationwide but worldwide. We do live in a global economy and we need to capture that vision and build it to announce to the world that we’re here: On the Border, By the Sea.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think your Idea about the "tower" sounds interesting as well, but I have to agree in some ways with Mr Jorge Krieg about wanting growth in the city, but with growth comes lots of problems that I dont think the city would want such as Mr Krieg stated such as air polution and noise.

The city of Brownsville needs to think about what kind of city it wants be and look like in the future. Dont head down the same path as Houston or Dallas, sure these cities might have all the nice stores to shop at and restraunts... but they like all major cities pay the price for it. With all the traffic, air pollution noise and crime. I think proper planning is something the city of Brownsville should try to implement and make it a prority especially right now that the city is growing so much.

Maybe taking a course in Urban Planning would help..To find out what really makes a city a city and all the important issues and responsabilities that come along with growth.

9:14 PM  
Blogger TonyL said...

Believe me, I know a lot about Urban Planning. Remember, this is just wishful thinking and such a project will likely never the the light of day. But both of you do bring out interesting points about pollution such as air and noise and the infrustructure.

As for the pollution, it's already happening with/without the tower. Downtown is very crowded during the day and has been getting busier every year. As for infrustructure, The future West Loop (mentioned in other articles on this blog) will definatley help aliviate some if not the majority of the traffic congestion. Once the expressway is complete, this will also help in the immediate future but I know that within 15 to 20 years, it will need to be expanded or even a double decker (hmm, good future article). In any case, the expansion will help for the forseable future.

I still believe downtown can grow and by a lot but both of you do bring out that eventualy, traffic congestion will only add up, hence the the previous article about the 10 Reasons for Repopulating Downtown. Granted, there is a limit and that limit depends on how the area is planned according to future traffic patterns, congestion, and zoning.

I still think that the tower idea would help the downtown but wuth proper planning as you al have mentioned. But don't loose sleep. It ain't going to happen.

7:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you know so much about "Urban Planning" then, then why arent you concerned about things that really affect people and how they live such as pollution from traffic and over population,affordable housing for the poor.... do you think that building a "Tower" and building more Subdivisions (urban Sprawl) retail centers will help Brownsville? It will lead to only more congestion on the highways and pollution... Brownsville wants to grow and have things that other big cities have, but there is a price to pay for all of it..The city needs to learn from other big cities mistakes and learn from that on how it should grow.
Creating a gap between the have and have nots will only increase in the city. the North side will have all the Haves and places like Southmost, cameron park and other poor ares will be left behind, and that will only lead to higher crime, unemployment and other social issues that the city will have to deal with. People need to really "think" expanding roads will only lead to more congestion and traffic pollution.

Downtown Brownsville has been trying to revitalize itself now for a long time, and nothing really has happened. there have been a lot of Ideas adn proposals about what can be done, but it hasent happened. whether it ever will or not, I dont know, but I dont think its gonna happend anytime in our life time soon..Downtown Brownsville really needs to have people who not only care enough about it to save it, but to also have the capitol to make it happen. Brownsville needs to do more to promote itself by showing what it has, beautiful Architecture, buildings that people will see and know what Brownsville has, not just Mexico and South Padre Island, but buildings in the downtown that people will see and will want to come and restore them.

9:11 PM  
Blogger TonyL said...

Uh, i guess you didn't read my article about 10 reasons for repopulating downtown where it tackles issues with congestion and such. By the way, B'ville is going to grow regardless of a tower is built.

I garauntee that it is people such as yourself (the naysayers) that get nothing done cuz you don't believe. It will take time and maybe lots of it but bville can't continue to grow the way it is w/o paying a price. IT will eventually need to return to its roots as so many large and small cities have done: downtown.

By the way, lighten up. Do you really think bville is going to remain the same size forever? stop thinking like a small town and wake up to reallity. Bville will (if not already) a big city and will contiune to grow.

If you're so worried about the citys growth, do you go to the city meetings and the planning & zoning meetings? Have you e-mailed the city commission about your complaints? If not, don't complain. I go to most city/P&Z meetings and see how things work. Also, I am part of the DRAC (Downtown Revitalization Advisory Committee) which is trying to come up with a masterplan for DT. At least I'm doing my part to help this city to grow and develop properly.

See ya at the meeting.


5:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like your response Tony. Keep up the good work. I really don't know how the other guy thinks that growth in North brownsville, with new neighborhoods, retail and office will cause unemployment to increase in other areas. What studies has he/she read that verifies this claim?

Also, spending your assets in only buidling affordable housing is not going to help with a city's unemployment.

Rather, the prior writer seems to have it backwards. The fact of the matter is that when a city grows and prospers with new development and investment, this will lead to more employment. Look at Brownsville's unemployment rate. Though still high in relation to the rest of Texas, it's much lower than what it was just two or three years ago.

I suppose the prior writer does not want any growth, just spend the city's tax money on the poor. That's not going to help the poor in the long run. Jobs will help the poor. Opportunity will help the poor. Jobs and opportunity comes with growth and development. This should be support to the utmost.

It's hard for some people to realise this.

Adios, Boris

8:45 PM  
Blogger TonyL said...

Thaks Boris. I thought that i was the only sane person here!

Notice how the guy prefers to remain anonymous, which says a lot about a person who likes to talk behind a mask.

8:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tony knows who I am.


7:22 AM  
Blogger TonyL said...

Obviously you didn't read all the comments Jorge. He did identify himself. He writes Boris at the end of each comment just as I write my name. So maybe I don't know him personally but he does reveal his name.

Also, to clariy my last comment when I said to annonymous not to complain, I meant for him not to complain if he's not going to do his part in helping resolve the city's problems he so aptly named. If you're going to complain, fine, but offer solutions to the complaints. It's so easy for people to complain but really hard to come up with solutions. This is why i have this blog. It's to offer solutions, while not all will be possible, to help better this city. I also like to talk about stuff that may never happen but think it would be a great idea such as the tower mentioned above. They are just that, ideas and opinions.

9:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Development is key in building up prosperity and employment. Quality of life is one of the major factors companies look at when determining whether to relocate to a new city. Quality of life includes the quality of the schools, parks, activities (such as fun at SPI and other attractions)as well as available retail and shopping.

If Brownsville wants to prosper it must attract high paying jobs. In order to do this it must attract more retail, and more attractions.

Look at San Antonio. For years it was basically a backwater city compared to the other major cities in Texas. However, it worked on its attractions. It got Fiesta Texas, Seaworld, it developed its Riverwalk area. Now it's one of the fastest growing cities in the nation. It has been able to attract some major companies to build plants in the city (toyota, et al). San Antonio is now attracting some major employers with high paying jobs, not just service oriented jobs.

San Antonio is the example the RGV must emulate. McAllen is starting to do this. This must be done all over the Valley.

In addition to Tony's ideas, I think the Valley needs a major resort/family park such as six flags as well as more investment in its education system. It also needs to continue to develop its retail base. We need more high end retail.

With this the RGV will appear more attractive to employers from not only the US but from other countries. I believe the RGV can compete with the other major metropolitan centers in Texas for the good jobs.


Alright I'll reveal some of my identify (last name Atkinson, long time RGV family from prior to the it being part of the US)

P.S. Jorge, please go to for more information on development in the RGV. Just don't "F" it up with silly entries.

11:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Development is key in building up prosperity and employment. Quality of life is one of the major factors companies look at when determining whether to relocate to a new city. Quality of life includes the quality of the schools, parks, activities (such as fun at SPI and other attractions)as well as available retail and shopping.

If Brownsville wants to prosper it must attract high paying jobs. In order to do this it must attract more retail, and more attractions.

Look at San Antonio. For years it was basically a backwater city compared to the other major cities in Texas. However, it worked on its attractions. It got Fiesta Texas, Seaworld, it developed its Riverwalk area. Now it's one of the fastest growing cities in the nation. It has been able to attract some major companies to build plants in the city (toyota, et al). San Antonio is now attracting some major employers with high paying jobs, not just service oriented jobs.

San Antonio is the example the RGV must emulate. McAllen is starting to do this. This must be done all over the Valley.

In addition to Tony's ideas, I think the Valley needs a major resort/family park such as six flags as well as more investment in its education system. It also needs to continue to develop its retail base. We need more high end retail.

With this the RGV will appear more attractive to employers from not only the US but from other countries. I believe the RGV can compete with the other major metropolitan centers in Texas for the good jobs.


Alright I'll reveal some of my identify (last name Atkinson, first name not Boris, long time RGV family from prior to it being part of the US)

P.S. Jorge, please go to for more information on development in the RGV. Just don't "F" it up with silly entries.

11:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


who died and made you the major of the city? You seem to "think" that you know all about whats right for Brownsville...Do you really think that the people of Brownsville are going to pay for a Tower that you proposed? Brownsville is one of the poorest city in the country.Just because someone else dosent agree with everything that you think or say dosent mean that I dont want whats best for Brownsville either..

2:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What one must also consider is that the Valley is a completely different market than that of San Antonio and other Tx cities, and they are all different from each other. What works in one has a high probability that it won't work in another. Brownsville is not the gem that Tony makes it out to be with his word choice. I can cover everything in sugar, too, on demand. What's funny is that he wants Brownsville to improve, but he never makes mention of rehabilitating the ghettos all over the city, just talks about strip malls and convention centers rather than tackling real city problems and improving quality of life. Yes, I agree, retail centers and all are great. I like shopping at them, but poverty and crime and city problems that he fails time and time to address. He also uses condescending language about the rest of the Valley as though Brownsville is any better. On that note, I will mention that McAllen and Harlingen aren't faring much better. Come back to earth, please.

I am sure he is going to deliberately miss my point.

10:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also forgot to mention with my last post (the one above) that he never focuses on bringing higher paying jobs, just more low paying retail. He also needs to get over his fascist self by dismissing and condemning anything that does not agree with him. Do Brownsville a huge favor and be open to new ideas and quit driving it more into the ground than what it already is. Should you choose to help Brownsville out by cleaning the city up first, Brownsville will really take off and grow.

10:08 PM  
Blogger TonyL said...

To Mr. Anonymous...I never mentioned that B'ville was going to pay for the tower. In fact, I never mentioned anything about who would pay for it. My idea was for a private company to to pay for it, not the city. You really need to read very carefully my blog. And as for me being the "major' spelled mayor, we already have one and it's not me. I like to bring up ideas and that's all they are. You're obviously the one that needs to come back to earth cuz your're going way out of the stratosphere with your comments. If you want to help brownsville and you think you have the vision and ideas to do it, then you should run for mayor. I just want to post stuff up on the blog to share my vision. If you don't want to run, then get your own blog and post your opinions and articles. Welcome to the USA.

Nice spaing with ya!


By the way,

2:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am in general agreement with your suggestion as an attraction to get tourist dollars. I believe it should be a tribute to America and should be called the “American Dream Monument” or something similar. Just as the Statue of Liberty serves as symbol of America’s personal freedoms for immigrants, the tower should as a symbol of America’s economic freedoms and financial gains. With so many immigrants who have come from south of the border with the American Dream, Brownsville would be a great place to have such a tower. Naturally, financing a monument dedicated to financial wealth should come from advertisers. The tower should rise from a broad base that would, in effect, be a huge billboard with colorful neon lit logos of companies that have contributed to its erection. Space could be made for a large programmable advertising display such as displays found in Times Square in New York City.

5:58 AM  
Blogger TonyL said...

My sentiments exactely!

Thanks for the comment.


12:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think visions are always good to have because sooner or later some do become reality. I believe at this point in time, we do have visions of where we want Brownsville to be at but the city does not have the infrastructure to do it with right now and I think a lot of it has already been mentioned and they all are tied in somehow. Right now you have a university that is growing, you have a growing population but one needs the other. The university needs students just as students need the university to keep on adding degrees and programs of studies. The problem then starts when you have a bunch of local professionals that cannot find good paying jobs in Brownsville and they leave out of town. That is where Brownsville starts lagging. Think for a while. While going through school, most people that plan on staying in Brownsville get a degree in education because BISD is one of the largest employers and teaching pays better than most jobs here. UTB has to expand their educational programs to include Public Administration and Municipal Planning so we get a good base of local people serving our city well. Once you have good, educated, trained and honest public servants that only think of the best interests of the citizens of Brownsville, then these people will lure good private investment here that will bring a lot (and I mean a lot) of good paying jobs that will in turn raise the purchasing power of our citizens and that will revolve and lure more investors and you make Brownsville a very lucrative market. But what we really have in Brownsville is always only the minimum. We may have a lot of vision, but maybe our local public servants are not doing enough for the best interest of Brownsville.
You see a lot of fighting over recognition and power and not enough fighting for our own people and these good visions that we have.

12:54 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Something to keep in mind is the SA Tower is pretty much a money pit. However, when it was built it was the centerpiece of the World's Fair. A tower like this could work but I'd place it within the zoo. Only the zoo could guarantee a continuous stream of visitors. Of course the zoo would need to expand; perhaps acquiring land north to Palm Blvd.

1:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, B'tx, no new posts since June 06? What's going on?

7:01 PM  
Blogger TonyL said...

Sorry man, no time whatsoever for posting.

I barely have time to surf the net.

Once I get the internet hooked up at home, I'l have more time to post.

10:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A tower! A tower! Are you kidding me? Sorry but how on earth would that generate any revenue. S.A is a tourists town and those are the ones who frequent the tower. Brownsville residents sure aren't going to frequent their own tower. Brownsville is not a tourist hot spot either. I am tired of all this talk of copying the S.A. boardwalk and the S.A. tower what's next a make shift Alamo? Where is the originality. Let's build on what we do have: an ever growing interest in the arts and the beautiful native plants and animals (Expansion of the zoo or an aquarium not on Isla Blanca Park for example). What makes a town a tourist hot spot is originality and a unique experience one can have nowhere else.

1:22 PM  
Blogger TonyL said...

^Are you kidding me!? SA didn't invent the Tower or the boardwalk. Other cities have had those things way before SA, so research info before yapping away how we try to copy SA. If it works for them and every one else, when not us?

Also, you mention that SA is a big tourist attraction but fail to mention that this just really happened recently, like the 1980s when SA took a huge risk and pured millions of $$ into the river walk hoping to eventually turn into a tourist attraction and it worked. There was no river walk before the 80s and very little tourism as compared to today. Oh, for your FYI, the Alamo was going to be demolished on several occasions to build high rises there but the community came together and fought for and won to restore it and turn it into a tourist attraction.

So SA didn't invent the tower nor the idea of a board walk. They copied it from other cities. The Alamo is the only orginal idea that also helps draw tourists.

As for the board walk idea...Brownsville had a board walk along the river in the early 1900s. Waaaayyyy before SA ever thought of it. So there you go.

Boy, you really need to get your info correct before bashing my idea, which, for all practicla purposes, is an IDEA!

Jeez, I thought I had already explained this in previous comments.

Go plant some plants and see if the tourists come, I'd rather see a tower and a board walk.

10:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My, my... It seems as if I struck a nerve. Reading through your sight I can't help but notice how touchy you get when people disagree with you.

All I said is Brownsville has it's own appeal. People do come here for a reason. We are very similiar to San Marcos or New Braunfels in that we have a creative/progressive/upbeat feel in a small town environment.

Not to say that we are copying San Marcos because the Art that is being created down here is very different from what is going on up there.

It seems to me like you want to live in a big city. Consider this, it would be alot cheaper for you to go the big city than to bring the big city here.

BTW your comments about other Towers and boardwalks coming before S.A. are partly true. There weren't many observation Towers of the same magnitude before it (Space Needle 62, TOA 68 both inspired by World's Fair)However, since you are full of this information answer me this. What is the shortest distance between cities with Towers (observation).

Having one in San Antonio and another in Brownsville kind of dilutes the spectacle appeal.

8:51 AM  
Blogger TonyL said...

Why would it dilute it? Towers are meant to wow people in each city's environment. SA has a totally diffent landscape than Brownsville. Here, we are on the border with Mexico and the Gulf (& SPI) which gives it a very different perspective. If you have ever been to the Villa del Sol (the 14-story elderly home in Bville) you would then agree with me about the beauty of the landscape our area offers. You need to see it to believe it before I can change you mind about building a tower here.

12:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Granted the view would be nice but I don't see it generating any revenue, paricularly for the amount of land you must allocate for something that tall. As for your proposed location, I feel that land serves a better use for the expansion of Gladys Porter Zoo (we are already losing animals due to new regulations).

As for the "diluting the spectacle" comment I just meant that the tower like the one in S.A. holds a special novelty that is forever linked with that particular city. If we in Brownsville can come up with our own design for a monument (not necessarily a tower) that is unique to our city then that I could support.

We as a city need to develop our own identity and avoid at all costs, becoming a hodge podge of dupicated monuments and structures.

We should emphasize our unique qualities and be true to Brownsville, Tx.

3:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BTW the Villa Del Sol elderly home is in a sad state. Maybe you should become a proponent of developing a new updated project for them.

This would make the building available which would allow you to propose turning that building into a observation deck of sorts (like a tower).

Floors can be knocked out to open up the space on the inside and we can use the inside to display arial shots and 3-D maps of the terrain and interesting stuff like that.

It could be like the hub of tourism in Brownsville. A history/ geography/ ecosystem museum.

A little bit of elbow grease and that building can be a great place to get this project off of your to do list.

This way we can knock out two birds with one stone. The elderly would get a better facility and Brownsville will kick start it's venture in tourism while maintaining it's identity.

3:37 PM  
Blogger TonyL said...

You do have good and valid points about duplicating others and maybe concentrating on building something unique.

As for the Villa del Sol, its being restored in its entirety, from inside and out. The interior should be nearly complete and the exterior should follow very soon, maybe next year. But all else being equal, it will just be an elderly home. But a renovated one at least.

Thanks for your comments. And if my responses are not that polite sometimes, they are usually done when I get home tired and frustrated from work. Right now, my head is in the right place and can responed with a nicer tone.

6:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you know its funny how all of you are arguing about this when the fact is that we can't even build a building that high! You ever wonder why our tallest building is the Boca Chica tower or that building downtown? Its because of our soil!! Our water table is so shallow that if we put anything taller that what we already have it'll sink!!! LOL! so you guys need a new idea! Just thought i'd share a little of what i learned in my geology class from UTB!! Yea thats to that person who said about expanding the public administration and municipal planning programs, theres no point when you don't even know the kind of soil and vegetation we have...


7:42 PM  
Blogger TonyL said...

Wow, this article struck a nerve with so many people for and against this idea, which is good cuz it says a lot about what people think and believe what b'ville should be and become.

I'll be honest, I love tall buildings and great architecture. I believe B'ville can do better in these resepects. Now, to attempt to answer the last comment made about the water table too shallow:

Yes, you are correct on this point but it isn't impossible to still build on shallow h2o table. Just look at SPI, SA, Chicago, NYC, New Orleans, et all, where you have very shallow water table. To circumvent this problem a developer would need to drill pilings until it hits bed rock, which in SPI I've heard is pretty deep (maybe some 100-300ft). So yes, it is still possible to build high but the cst would also reflect this. So it's not beyond human capabilty but more tha economics. Never say never cuz anything can be done with ingenuity and vision.

So, I still believe that a tower would be great for B'ville.

12:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAHA is this a joke? Browsville? High rise tower compared to San Antonios? haha keep dreaming.

8:04 AM  

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